Thursday 8 June 2023

Various Deep Sky Object Test Shots

Here are a few test shots using my Celestron C6se SCT telescope without a focal reducer.  Although this gives me a focal length of 1500mm, it is not generally recommended as the scope works natively at f/10 and a reducer takes this down to f/7 - so not using a reducer means that a lot less light is gathered for the same exposure time. My reducer also flattens the field of view making stars better shapes on the edges of the image.  However, as I am still cropping all these galaxies to some extent, I can remove poor stars at the edges in the process.  I think that these images show that it is possible to work at f/10 but that a lot more data is needed, and this is something will try as the dark nights get longer.

The Needle Galaxy

The Sunflower Galaxy

M106 - 'The Galaxy with No Name'

M106 annotated by

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