Raison d'être

I've long been interested in space since the days of the Apollo mission in the late 1960's. I had models of the Apollo 11 Lunar Lander and Command Module and two of my favourite TV shows at the time were the classic science fiction stories of Fireball XL5 and Doctor Who.  Like so  many others, I truly thought we'd be making routine flights into space and to the moon in what, at the time, was a very optimistic future.

Somehow all that didn't work out, but I've still maintained a casual interest in all things space and astronomy-related. Now I'm no scientist or mathematician (two things which are fundamental to truly understanding astronomy and astrophysics), but I do enjoy looking up at the night sky and pondering our very existence.  It really makes you realise how insignificant we all are and how trivial our daily trials and tribulations are in terms of life, the universe and everything.

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