Sunday 2 July 2023


Tut, tut! Was it really April when I last posted anything this blog? I've not done than much since but I'd better get on with updating it now then.  As usual I'll start by posting the images and adding text later.

Here's a list of what I still need to do:

  • ZWO ASI 294mm mono cooled camera, filter wheel and LRGB/SHO filters purchase
  • Various Venus shots
  • My M51 reprocessed by various people (30/5/23)
  • Heart and Soul Mosaic in Mono (1/6/23)
  • Labelled Moon Segments (1/6/23)
  • Mosaic Moon (29-31/5/23)
  • Bodes's Galaxy (31/5/23)
  • First Quarter Moon and segments (27/5/23)
  • Waxing Cresecnt andf Waxing Gibbous
  • Moon and Venus over house (24/5/23)
  • Sunspots (26/4/23)
  • M51 reprocessed (30/4/23)
  • ISS (22/5/23)
  • Waxing Crescent Moon (24-25/5/23)
  • Supernova in M101 (23/5/23)
  • Thin Crescent Moon (22/5/23)
  • Crater Love (8/6/23)
  • Waxing Gibbous (1/5/23)
  • Soul Nebula (30/4/23)
  • Waxing Crescent (26/4//23)
  • Using the C6se for DSO's (M51, M101) 20/4/23
  • Heart and Soul (9/4/23)
  • Lots of Ha rich DSO's
  • Andromeda reprocessing
  • Early evening moon (2/3/23)

!!! From a previous update memo !!!

Well, we're well in to 2023 now and I've still not updated this blog for many months.  It's mainly because the weather has been so depressing here in the UK and I really haven't done that much astrophotography for ages.  That said, I have bought some new equipment and taken a few images and so I'm going to list the backlog here and then try to make my way though this list and post images to start with. I'll do write ups where possible at at later date.

February 2023

  • 24/2/23 - Uranus
  • 22/2/23 - Moon, Venus and Jupiter Alignment in Dumfries and Galloway
  • 22/2/23 - Orion in Dumfries and Galloway
  • 13/2/23 - Comet
  • 12/2/23 - Comet and Venus
  • 09/2/23 - Venus

January 2023

  • Comet
  • Reprocessing

For missing 2023 images and posts, please see the previous 'Update' post below!

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