Wednesday 14 December 2022

The Full Veil Nebula

Until I borrowed the WO WhiteCat telescope with a focal length of 250mm, I could only ever image one section of the Veil Nebula at a time.  To get the full Veil Nebula with my scopes I would need to do a mosaic of several images and I haven't got round to trying this technique out yet.  Indeed, this is a common problem for many astrophotographers and so it's very common to see separate images of just the Western Veil (or Witch's Broomstick) and the Eastern Veil rather than the full nebula. Therefore the full Veil Nebula was high up on the list of images I wanted to take whilst I still had access to this scope.  

The Veil Nebula is easily overwhelmed by the number of stars in the region and so I used the technique of removing the stars to process the nebula and then reducing them in size and intensity before adding them back in. Unfortunately this has resulted in the very bright star (52 Cygni) in the Western Veil area becoming quite dull and so I need to redo this image sometime to bring up it's brightness and vibrance. I'm also not terribly happy with the colours so more work is needed.

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