Tuesday 27 December 2022

Review of 2022

Some of my better images from 2022. I didn't think I done that much this year, having focused mainly on planetary imaging, but in the early part of the year I did do some work on nebulae. 

From left to right and top to bottom we have:

  • The California Nebula, which supposedly resembles the shape of the state
  • Mars showing its north polar ice cap of frozen carbon dioxide
  • The Flaming Star anthem Tadpole Nebulae with the smaller small spider Nebula
  • Saturn when it was close to opposition
  • The famous Horsehead Nebula and with the Flame Nebula below it
  • Jupiter showing cloud bands
  • The Jellyfish Nebula
  • A so-called 'mineral' moon
  • The Christmas Tree Nebula with the Cone Nebula st the top
  • The sun showing at least seven active regions or sunspots
  • The Soul Nebula
  • The Rosette Nebula in the false Hubble Palette colour

And here's a 2023 calendar with all these images for you to print out if desired:

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