Monday 19 October 2020

Milky Way Revisited

Just revisiting some of my Milky Way shots from a recent trip to Islay in the Inner Hebrides. I was amazed by the light pollution from Northern Ireland which filled the bottom of many of my shots, so I decided to crop much of it out. This has made my Milky Way shots a lot shorter than I would like.

Here's a shot of the Cygnus region which includes my first visible image of the North American Nebula:

Here's a hand-labelled version of the same shot:

I used to identify some of the stars and then the Stellarium desktop software to help me fill in some more details. Here's the output from

Here's the Stellarium view that I used:

This is a list of the main objects in my photograph as found by

And this diagram shows the area of sky at which I was looking:

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