Wednesday 10 June 2020

Astronomy and Space Sessions for Primary Schools

Attention all primary school teachers, governors, youth workers and anyone connected to primary schools or youth groups. I'm looking to offer astronomy sessions to schools.

I'm a former secondary school Computing and IT teacher who took early retirement from being Head of Faculty a few years ago. I did some IT support work for a while before going on to work one day a week for four years in a primary school where I taught the basics of computer programming to Years 3-6.

In addition, for the last six years or so I've coordinated a team of five volunteers who visit primary schools and youth groups giving free presentations about birds, wildlife and nature as part of Leigh Ornithological Society's education programme in the Wigan and Leigh area. This team were instrumental in helping the Society receive the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service in June 2020.

But now I'm looking to branch out and hopefully earn a bit of pocket money to help fund my astrophotography habit. So I'm looking to offer primary schools a two hour afternoon (paid) session about astronomy, the solar system and space topics in general. The session would include a presentation with high quality information slides and photographs, demonstrations, a practical activity, quizzes and worksheets all in line with National Curriculum topics. The exact content can be tailored to individual schools.

So if you are a primary school teacher, governor or have some other connection with a school or youth group who you think would be interested in this sort of session, please get in touch via an email to

Obviously, these sessions will only be able to take place when we are back to normal after the current Coronavirus situation has passed. But that will give me some time to prepare the materials!

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