Tuesday 5 May 2020

Waxing Gibbous Moon, Again! (4/5/20)

Here's a shot of last night's waxing gibbous moon, but with a difference. I've tried using PIPP to convert a short video of the moon into separate TIF files which can then be stacked in AutoStakkert3, but without much success.  I seem to get much better results from single shots only processed in Photoshop. This image is a stack of eight separate shots blended together using only Photoshop.   However I must admit that this one looks a tad sharper than the single shot shown below it, although it has gained a bit of a purple tinge, which I can remove if necessary.

Below is just one of the single shots used to make the above image:

The stacking process I used in Photoshop was as follows:
  1. Choose File>Scripts>Load Files into Stack
  2. Click Browse and select all the files you want to stack together
  3. Tick the 'Attempt to Automatically Align Source Images' checkbox and then OK
  4. Then in Photoshop, select all the layers
  5. Choose the 'Lighten' blend mode.
  6. Process further if required and then save.

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