Sunday 1 January 2017

Welcome to GeekTeacher's Astro Scrapbook

Hi there! I've started this new blog off to avoid filling my main birding blog with astro photos.  With the current Coronavirus lockdown situation, I'm not going out birding at the moment and I'm spending a lot more time standing in the freezing cold in my back garden at night, looking up towards the wonderful skies.

I decided to backdate this blog to the moments where I think I began taking a real interest in astrophotography, which really means when I started taking photos of the moon. Since I got some decent digital camera equipment, I've regularly taken photos of the moon and I can trace my interest back to Astley Moss where I took a partial lunar eclipse in 2013.

But our family also went to France in 1999 to view the total eclipse of the sun which I recorded on video - I've still to find that tape so I can digitise it for inclusion in this blog.

This current phase of more intense interest in the night sky started back in 2019 when I visited North Wales on a landscape photography shoot.  I'd been seeing a lot of Milky Way photos on Facebook by people who live there and I thought, well if they can do that, so can I.  So I arranged a trip out with Pete Lawless to do some landscape photography during the day, with the plan of meeting up with a couple of the locals in the evening to do some Milky Way shots on Anglesey. Things didn't quite work out like that and I ended up doing it in the dark on my own in the Ogwen Valley.  Well, I say on my own - there was an almost constant stream of people going up to wild camp near Llyn Ogwen and coming down from Tryfan with headlights on whilst I was there!

Anyway that's how it all started, let's see where it goes from here.

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