Sunday 10 May 2020

*** Warning - A Work in Progress ****

Everything in this blog is still a work in progress as I try to backtrack to last Autumn when I started to take my journey into Astrophotography and Astronomy more seriously.  I'll be backdating some of the posts so that they appear in the correct chronological order and sequence.

The aim of this blog is to put some more detailed information about what I do and how I do it as I climb the steep learning curve that us astrophotography.  Hope fully some of the information here will be useful to others as they start their journey too.  I'll be including links to other internet-based resources which I've found useful or interesting.

So please bear with me whilst I write the posts and upload the photos and I'll remove this message once the site is fit to be viewed :) Once that is done it will be updated as I do each new set of shots.

Thanks for reading.

Martyn (GeekTeacher Astro)

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