Sunday 13 November 2022

The North America and Pelican Nebulae in Cygnus

This is another pair of widefield targets that I can't achieve in a single image with my own telescopes. The so-called North America Nebula on the left of this image has an uncanny resemblance to North America and the Gulf of Mexico in particular, but I do find the smaller Pelican Nebula on the right much harder to resolve.

The brighter section of the North America nebula, which I guess represents California and Mexico, is known as the Cygnus Wall and it's something I want to image with my own scopes which have more focal length and a narrower field of view.

You're All Heart

My previous attempts at the Heart Nebula have never managed to capture the whole nebula due to my own scopes having to narrow a field of view (FOV).  However, Mark Hellaby has kindly loaned me his William Optics WhiteCat 51 telescope which, at 250mm, has a much wider FOV and so I am able to image some of the larger nebulae in their entirety.  My first go at using this excellent scope was to image the Heart Nebula.

And it really does look like a science textbook cross section of the human heart!